80% Unemployment Worldwide Solution Offered
Online, April 15, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Now launched at http://igg.me/at/finalfrontier Dial Green US Inc.; based in Florida, USA has resolved to lessen the worldwide unemployment rate among disabled individual's which currently is over 80%. Establishing a customer service call center which will field calls for products and services assisting consumers through problem resolution.This is not the call you receive in the middle of a family dinner.
Arthur Crouse and Jonathan Deane have partnered in this effort to create jobs drawing from a vast untapped labor pool here in Florida. Disabled and lesser fortunate people come from all walks life; and include visually impaired, wheelchair bound, persons afflicted with epilepsy, veterans, single mothers/fathers,cancer victims, people receiving government assistance, mobility impaired, and the hearing impaired. This largely untapped labor pool is comprised of people who want to work. The disabled; like everyone, want a viable employment situation which directly results in greater self sufficiency, pride and self esteem. Imagine being turned down dozens, hundreds, or a thousand times for a job; it is personally crushing. By providing jobs to people who want to work we can help families who are stretch to the breaking point financially.
The Dial Green US Inc. company is being funded by the public through crowdsource funding.. By utilizing this venue the founders will gain more attention to this venture and thereby more support. The phrase; "there is no higher calling than helping those less fortunate than ourselves," has never been more apt. The funding campaign kicks off on Monday, April 14, 2014 on the Indiegogo site at http://igg.me/at/finalfrontier. Their primary website is www.dialgreen.us. At Dial Green they like to say they hire the ability, looking past the disability. If you can contribute to this worthy venture it will surely be appreciated by many many people. Our heartfelt thanks to you and yours for your support.
Tags: customer service, disabled veterans, handicapped