Ancient Sajtan Cures Re-introduced by Traditional Indigenous Shaman.
Online, March 19, 2010 ( - These indigenous heaing pouches contain holy items of animal, vegetable and mineral spirits who gather together in a special pouch for a person's specific healing request. This ceremonial healing item is made by Traditioanl Indigenous Shaman Elder Maggie and was handed down to her by her own Shaman family lineage from Mongolia.
This almost forgotten curative is a very powerful energetic healing force and is carried in its own pouch on one's person or in one's purse or wallet and will work continuously for all types of maladies from anger mangaement to fear to broken limbs to financial distress. No matter what the malady, this ancient healing force is certain to bring relief. There is nothing to eat or drink or take internally. One simply carries this pouch on one's person or wears it.
No one else on the planet is offering SAJTAN today as it is an ancient shamanic tool all but lost to the modern world. Thanks to Shaman Elder Maggie, anyone can now have this powerful tool to help them find what they need in life. There is a limited supply and Shaman Maggie may stop making them at any time. The asked for donation is only $19.95 with free shipping and handling and a satisfaction guarantee. You can find out how to get yours at
"I would say that the sajtan is breaking and chipping away at my heart so that my true heart that is pure, free and unresticted by old pain, bad attitudes and judjments can emerge. I feel a bit emotional about my sajtan. It is so precious to me!"-
Shelly Ross, Kijo Founder
"The results are amazing.. i really feel the sajtan has done it's magic.. i'm almost pain free.. i feel wonderful waking up in the morning and bending over to tie my shoes which was a painful chore just three weeks ago... so it's been wonderful.. so much so i'm not taking it off after 30 days.. ha ha!! i feel wonderful!!! love ya!!"- Jill Marie
"I just wanted to thank you very much for the healing medicine bag. It is doing wonders for me so far! I'm less depressed than I have been in years." - Eileen
"you saved my life, thank you. i think i would have gone crazy if you didnt exist.i owe you a debt that i dont think i can repay to you. but maybe i can repay it by showing the world the light. thank you so much"-Alex
Remember that this is not intended to diagnose or prescribe and ones' own medical doctor should always be consulted for any physical illness. This is strictly miraculous healing energy.
Tags: alternative medicine, cures, healing, healing tools, medicine bag, sajtan, shaman, shamanism, talisman