UWA Online Offers Tips to Recruit and Retain Employees Who Fuel Business Success

Business Success

According to a recent survey by UWA Online, 60% of businesses don’t have goals set for their new hires, which affects business operations and performances. It was also revealed that a standard onboarding process leads to about 50% better, new hire retention; whereas, about 22% of businesses do not have this formal onboarding process. As a strategist and information analyst, UWA Online creates strategic hiring methods that would make it easy for business owners to recruit and retain resourceful employees. As an expert in creating result oriented strategies for businesses, UWA Online offers recruitment tips for businesses. Here are 5 small business hiring practices and tips to recruit and retain good employees.

1.    Don’t choose a substitute for the best

When hiring for business, it is best to choose the best person for the position desired; someone with the skill, exposure, experience, even more, who has handled what exactly wanted. It saves the extra of wasting time, training new staff, and giving allowance for a mistake.

2.    Offer the best pay

When looking for the best, be ready to also offer the best. While their competitors are also seeking similar qualities with them, the person with the advantage of getting wonderful business promoters, as staff, is the one who offers the most interesting offer for the prospective employee.

3.    Involve employees in the hiring process

Because their employees know the trend in their departments or areas of service, they know what attributes are the best for an employee to serve within the organization. Hence, they can be better advocates to pick people with the right skills, attitude, and relationship. Also, they can suggest known persons with certain qualities needed for their business.

4.    Have a good onboarding process

Research has it proven that 69 percent of employees who have wonderful onboarding experience on a new job are more liable to stick with the company on a long-term basis. Hence, make sure the onboarding experience for their employee to be a good one –genuine, of course.

5.    Have a retention plan

When finding a good worker and staff, make available plans that would make them want to stay with. As a wise employer, they needn’t wait until their employee gets a compelling offer from a competitor to take away what their organization has helped them to develop. They have to be on top of offering the best in the kindest way.

Business owners should:

  • Know what their employees want and make plans to meet them.

  • Keep their workplace attractive.

  • Not hide their emotions about how they value their employees.

  • Not threaten their employees; the better the employer, the better the employee.

  • Make an open platform for their employees to speak.

  • Offer raises and promotions when due.

Source: UWA Online


Tags: employees, promotion, workplace

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