The newly-released novel is part of a developing series, focusing around the life of Natalie Matthews as she uncovers secrets that lead to the destruction of an entire nation.
The novel series Dwarves in Space combines science fiction and fantasy with humorous results and recently launched on Amazon.
Follow Johnny Redblood as he pulses along on a mission to defeat Tyrus the Virus in the educational children's tale, Micropolis.
Award-winning author Andrew J. Rodriquez brings to life one boy's coming of age in a Cuban fishing town during the early '50s.
Though billed as a fiction, Cultivating the DNA of Crime is startlingly real at its heart.
BE LITTLE is an action-packed novel about a bullied boy who must decide if he has the courage and ingenuity to use his small size to perform a giant-sized rescue.
The journey continues in Anglo-Saxon Britannia where an imminent Danish Viking invasion threatens the Kingdom of Wessex in the third installment of The Briton and the Dane novels
Hanover, MD -- Author Lon Maisttison announces the release of his new book "The Girlfriend I Almost Lost," the second book of Air Rescue Stories, with Lulu (, the world's fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books.
The fourth installment of the Green Stone of healing(R) speculative epic debuts. A Canadian reader finds the first book comforts her during a family health crisis.
Canadian reader finds novel helps her cope during a long hospital wait while doctors try to diagnose her husband's mystery ailment.