The Secret Order of Lumiiis is an animated tween comedy series that explores real-world issues and introduces viewers to the world of blockchain.
Read MoreWaphoo is taking user experience to the next level! It's a start-up company enthusiastically working on a highly ambitious project bringing added value to the way kids interact online.
Read MoreTo the delight of attendees of the Sanctum 3D Mobile Experience National Tour, the Cinetransformer has been converted into an amazing underwater experience, its state of the art 3D technology promoting the new major motion picture Sanctum.
Read MorePrognosis : Your Diagnosis, the first clinical case simulation game for iPhones has rocketed to the top 20 in the US medical app store. The simple interface and goofy characters provide the foundation for making case studies into a fun activity.
Read MoreLinguaTV, a language learning platform serving business and private customers in more than 170 countries, was awarded Outstanding Achievement for excellence in the design, development and implementation of its online language training.
Read MoreTo the delight of Comic-Con attendees, Paramount Pictures chose the Cinetransformer with its new state of the art 3D technology to promote their new release Jackass 3 in 3D. The Cinetransformer is the world's first 3D mobile cinema.
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