Amazing Online Store That Helps You And Keep Your Renters Happy
Online, April 11, 2011 ( - In response to the problems with regard to pests invasion and bed bugs infestation in most establishments like hotels, motels, theatres and the recent episode of renters moving from their apartments due to these problems, the CEO of Green Cleaning Products is proud to present their new online store.
Promoting organic cleaning products, is now serving everyone with their highly efficient product that gets rid of bed bugs in seconds - Bed Bug Bully.
Moreover, does sell home cleaning products that are 100% organic, which are eco-friendly and completely safe to use with kids and pets around.
This would be beneficial to all parties concerns, especially those who struggled much with their sanitation and comfort. With the growing cases of bed bug infestation here in the U.S and renters like Julie, who have just moved from her apartment due to bed bugs, individuals like her have a place to run, which specializes in selling affordable and effective home green cleaning products.
More story about Julie Wagoner: =====
"You are right! Bed bugs and bed bug bites are really upsetting and very irritating pests. This is what happen to Julie Wagoner; she sadly moved from her apartment, since no matter what treatment the exterminators do with bed bugs, it keeps coming back, which makes her decide to find a new convenient and bed-bug-free environment. This incident does not only happen to Julie Wagoner; a lot of renters were forced to move from their rented dwelling due to bed bug infestation."
'The issues with renters moving out seems very frustrating to both apartment owners and renters, since this would mean a bad reputation, very hassle and may cause loss of profit to the owners. With this regard, CEO of Green Cleaning Products is working with the best solution for these apartments battling against bed bug infestation. Bed Bug Bully, a new innovative natural cleaning product is one of the most efficient ways to kill bed bugs. No need for exterminators and heating rooms. With the high amount of concentration, you can be sure that you will get rid of bed bugs in seconds with just a little amount of spray. Moreover, since it's made from 100% organic solution that is proven safe to humans as well as pets."
"Why did Julie Moved? Read on... ======="
"OKLAHOMA CITY - A metro woman claims a bedbug problem has forced her out of an apartment. Julie Wagoner says she's had the problem at Hillcrest Green Apartments for the past month."
"It is very upsetting. You're supposed to have a place you call home, that you pay rent for, and you can't even go in there," Wagoner said.
"According to Wagoner, the property manager did call an exterminator to fix the problem, but she says the bugs are still there."
"An attorney for Hillcrest Green Apartments says management has been very proactive and has already had Wagoner's apartment sprayed twice."
"A third treatment is scheduled for later this month."
"The Oklahoma City-County Health Department says bedbugs are becoming a problem at apartments."
"Officials tell us the property owner is required to fix the problem."
Read more of Julie Wagoner's bed bugs struggle
Though there are thousands of home cleaning products you can purchase over the internet, it's good to have just one online store that sells only 100% organic and is an approved green seal. In addition, you'll find numbers of blogs that talk about bed bugs treatment.
Visit for a list of green cleaning products or visit our Facebook FanPage to get free samples and coupons.
If you find this interesting and beneficial, check "Bed Bug Professionals Going Green and New 100% Non-Toxic Formula Keeps Bed Bugs Away Permanently" to learn more about the offers.
Tags: bed bugs, bed bugs infestations, green cleaning products, natural cleaning products