Brazilian Royal Recognizes Israel as Ally, Wants Brazilian Embassy in Jerusalem

Brazilian prince, Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança, an heir to Brazil’s last emperor is encouraging the Brazilian government and presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro to open a Brazilian embassy in Jerusalem.

“It is imperative that a new Brazilian government aligns itself with the free and democratic regimes in the world and clearly Israel has been a vibrant and stable democracy. Moving the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem is an important signal for Brazil to re-position itself to the international community,” said Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança, an heir to Brazil’s last emperor.

It is imperative that a new Brazilian government aligns itself with the free and democratic regimes in the world and clearly Israel has been a vibrant and stable democracy. Moving the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem is an important signal for Brazil to re-position itself to the international community.

Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança, Brazilian Activist

The opening of a Brazilian embassy in Jerusalem would also strengthen the relationship between Brazil and new commercial, cultural and technological exchanges from the Middle East.

Source: Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança


Tags: brazil, economy, jairbolsonaro, luizphilippe, politics, terrorism