FTC And MyCleaningProducts.com Suggest Powerful Bed Bug Products

With the new discovery of unrealistic and ineffective cleaning products for bed bugs, FTC warns consumers to be more cautious. In addition, MyCleaningProducts.com had innovated new line of bed bug killer that works fast and guarantees satisfaction.

From the time people were battling against bed bug infestation, more and more including US Federal Trade Commission had found out that not all bed bug killers in the market such as bed bug spray don't work anymore.

While others said that the resistance of bed bugs to these chemicals are part of bed bugs' immunity, but recently, researchers discover that the products most people are using seem to be the problem why bed bugs keep coming back.

On the other hand, MyCleaningProducts.com had formulated powerful and yet secure bed bug killer - the Bed Bug Bully. The product itself is more in concentrated solution that kills bed bugs in seconds, including their offspring. As a matter of fact, its 100% organic ingredients made this product popular for hotel and bed bug exterminator companies.

In addition, FTC had disseminated information on facts about bed bugs and remedies.

FTC Urges Public about FAKE Bed Bug Products? ===

"When talking about products that kill bed bugs, there are numerous manufacturers that claim they have the best products ever, which, in reality, doesn't totally eradicate bed bugs. This made the US Federal Trade Commission urge consumers to be aware with these manufacturers."

"This is also the reason why bed bugs exterminator professionals tend to use the heating process to eliminate bed bugs rather than unrealistic bed bugs products."

"In response to this issue, CEO of Green Cleaning Products had just launched it new green bed bug product for professionals - Bed Bug Bully. These products have been widely used in hotels, apartments and homes. Aside from it's organic ingredients that are proven safe and effective; it has triple its concentration of the non-pesticide that surely kills not only the matured bed bugs as well as eggs and larvae."

"While Green Cleaning Products is giving free samples and 50% discounts on the product - Bed Bug Bully to give fully satisfation, FTC starts giving out information concerning Bed Bug tips."

"FTC Warns Consumers ===="

"With the resurgence of bed bugs in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission urges consumers to be cautious when shopping for products that are touted as remedies or ways of preventing bed bug infestations."

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that an increasing number of marketers are making unrealistic claims about their abilities to control or eradicate bed bugs."

"The FTC, the nation's consumer protection agency, offers these tips to consumers who think they might have a bed bug problem:"

"General Information on Bed Bugs"

"-Bed bugs can come into homes on or inside luggage, furniture, bedding, or clothing."

"-Inside homes, bed bugs can hide in small cracks and crevices, such as behind a bed headboard, in the seams and tufts of a mattress, inside a box spring, along the cracks of a wall's baseboard, behind wallpaper, and in clutter."

"-Bed bugs do not transmit diseases."
Read More at Bed Bug Products

Moreover, if you want to try a FREE sample of Bed Bug Bully and discounted coupons and or any other green cleaning products, you can visit our FaceBook Page and get your special offer now.

If you need to know more about any other promotional products and how to get rid of bed bug tips, you may visit MyCleaningproducts.com.

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Tags: bed bugs, bed bugs infestation, cleaning products, green cleaning products

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Press Contact, Kill Bed Bugs
Kill Bed Bugs
Tamarac, Florida, USA