Local Pest Control Company to Host Bed Bug Symposium

100 Hospitality, Apartment & Office Building Managers are expected to attend The Northwest Bed Bug Symposium - Hosted by Eden Advanced Pest Technologies on November 10th & 15th.

Bed bugs are back. And they are infesting the United States from coast to coast. In response to the crisis at hand, Eden Advanced Pest Technologies is inviting representatives from the Northwest's most vulnerable industries: Hospitality, Housing and Property Management.

"With a bed bug epidemic that shows no signs of slowing, we at Eden believe it to be extremely important for everyone to be on the same page and intelligently address this pest. We have developed a bed bug response plan that will help our clients do just that," said Jack Marlowe, CEO of Eden Advanced Pest Technologies headquartered in Olympia, Washington. "We feel that it is important to share that information with the public and discuss what we have found to be best practices when working together to achieve the most effective solution at the lowest cost."

The Northwest Bed Bug Symposium will be held at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue on November 10th and at the Rose Garden in Portland on November 15th. Both are scheduled to last from 8:00am - 2:30pm.

Sessions will include: hands-on demonstration of inspection and identification techniques as well as the latest detection and monitoring tools, thorough treatment methods required to eliminate bed bug infestations, and protocols that insure the highest success rate at the lowest cost. Attendees will also have the opportunity to express their concerns, ask questions and discuss their issues when it comes to protecting their facilities and operations in the event of a Bed Bug infestation.

The event is only $35 to attend. This covers the cost of lunch and light refreshments throughout the day as well as all symposium handout materials to include a model bed bug response plan and relevant checklists and protocols. It is not necessary to be an Eden client to attend.

Eden Advanced Pest Technologies is a family owned, locally operated Integrated Pest Management Company serving Western Washington and Oregon since 1986. They currently have three Associate Certified Entomologists on staff who regularly contribute to public education. To learn more about the Northwest Bed Bug Symposium or Eden's services visit: http://www.edenpest.com/NWBedBugSymposium


Tags: bed bugs, Portland bed bug Control, Seattle bed bug control

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Brittani Dinsmore
Press Contact, Eden Advanced Pest Technologies
Eden Advanced Pest Technologies
3425 Stoll Rd. SE
Olympia, WA 98501