Managed Print Services Are the Future Available Today, Says John Murabito, Ribbons Express Founder
Online, October 8, 2012 (
Contact: Tom Peric
[email protected]
Ask just about anyone with a business what the most frustrating aspect is when dealing with printing and copying, and the refrain is familiar: cost and confusion. Between paper, toner and ink, the overhead on printing can become a formidable foe.
Many small businesses try to restrain these costs by holding on to their old machines and repairing them long after their lifecycle, regardless of the fees. The results are burdensome costs, extensive repair and irritating down time. The idea of hiring a consultant to manage their printing services sounds like an expensive luxury, but in reality, it is the secret solution to saving cash.
"A lot of people avoid calling repairmen and think the only way to save money is to manage all of their printing needs in house," says John Murabito, founder and owner of Cherry Hill, NJ-based Ribbons Express ( "What they don't realize is that hiring a company to manage their printing services will actually cut costs dramatically and eliminate headaches associated with fixing printers that don't work."
The managed print services that Ribbons Express offers are an overall print and copy solution that simplifies everything related to a company's print and copying needs.
Ribbons Express becomes the single solution provider for their clients. That means you never have to think about servicing your machine or changing toner, for example. Modern technology alerts the Ribbons Express team that your yellow toner cartridge is low, for example, and they replace it before it runs dry. To a business owner, this sounds like a luxury. However, the reality is that MPS is a growing trend that saves most companies 10 to 30 percent on annual printing costs.
According to a report by research company Technavio, the global managed print service market should grow more than 20 percent from 2011 to 2015. But a key factor contributing to this market growth is significant cost reduction.
And if cost savings isn't enough motivation, there's the green effect. According to two student researchers writing in Illinois State University's Graphic Communications magazine, "A client of HP, Viacom, estimates the reduction in paper and energy usage will result in a decrease of carbon emissions by 839,000 pounds."
This is no surprise to Ribbons Express. In 2009, they were included in Inc. Magazine's Inc. 5000 as one of "America's Fastest Growing Private Companies" and saw 23 percent growth from 2005 to 2008. Also, they have been recognized as one of Philadelphia's top 100 fastest growing companies for three consecutive years, and in Southern New Jersey, they ranked sixth out of the top twenty-five.
"The key to our success has always been recognizing the requirements and future needs of our clients," Murabito says. "Managed print services aren't the wave of the future. It's available to businesses right now."
Ribbons Express launched as a typewriter ribbon company in 1988, operating from a basement in Philadelphia. Ribbons Express has significantly grown into a printer and networking services and supply company housed in a 15,000-sq.-ft. facility in Cherry Hill, N.J., and four locations in the tristate area. For more information, visit or call 800-533-9949.
Tags: copier, fax, Ink Jet, inkjet supplies, Laser Printer, laser printer supplies, laser toner, printer, printer service, Printer supplies, toner