New Virginia Majority PAC Announced to Recruit and Equip Republican Candidates

VA Majority Makers, a new organization focused on rebuilding a Republican majority in Virginia's State Legislature, officially launched this week with the backing of former Congressman and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

VA Majority Makers, a new organization focused on rebuilding a Republican majority in Virginia's State Legislature, officially launched today. After the recent Republican losses in 2017 and 2019 Garrison Coward, President for the new PAC, believes that it is time for a fresh approach that recruits and equips winning candidates in 2021:

Coward stated, "On both the state and national levels, we have seen policies implemented that limit freedoms, raise taxes, defund police, shutter schools and ultimately hurt the people they are intended to serve. To add to this, Virginians have also witnessed repeated failures to respond to a health crisis that has destroyed jobs, shut down businesses, and limited opportunities for all. Our government has settled for a status quo that does not serve everyone's best interests, and this needs to change. In 2021, it's time for political candidates who have an inspiring message, reflect the diverse face of Virginia, and are willing to put in the hard work to win."

Modeled after the successful national program that helps to build Republican majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives, VA Majority Makers is a recruitment program designed to identify promising candidates across the Commonwealth of Virginia and help to fully fund and equip them for victory. Eric Cantor, former Congressman and House Majority Leader from Virginia, will serve as honorary Chairman of VA Majority Makers.

More information about the program is available at Any candidates seeking to run as Republicans for the Virginia House of Delegates in 2021 are encouraged to complete an online application to be considered for the program and potentially qualify for resources and support to win in November. 


Media Contact:
Aaron Evans
(804) 728-0077
[email protected]

Source: VA Majority Makers


Tags: Majority Makers, VA Majority Makers, Virginia, Virginia GOP

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