Popular Autoposting Plugin for Wordpress, WP Robot, Updated to Version 1.3

WP Robot, a powerful automation plugin for Wordpress weblogs, has been updated to version 1.3, adding several new features and enhancements.

Lunatic Studios, publisher of the popular automation software WP Robot for Wordpress weblogs has today announced the release of a new update for the product. WP Robot 1.3, which follows only two weeks after the last major update to version 1.2, extends many of the features of the original software.

WP Robot is a powerful plugin for Wordpress weblogs already used by hundreds of webmasters and bloggers. It allows users to fully automate weblogs and can post content from many different sources, including Amazon, eBay, Flickr and Youtube, on autopilot. Single modules of WP Robot start as low as $15 and there is also a demo version available, which includes the free Clickbank module and can be used without any limits.

"I created WP Robot because I was unsatisfied with the choices that were out there for autoblogging at that time.", said Thomas Hoefter, creator of WP Robot. "There was no All-in-One solution and so this is exactly what WP Robot has become: The only plugin you will need to fully automate your Wordpress weblogs."

The new version 1.3 overhauls a complete part of the plugin with the result of improved stability and speed. Tests show that the latest release runs nearly three times faster than its predecessor. Besides that several new options have been added to WP Robot to make posting of Youtube videos and content from Yahoo Answers more sophisticated. Among the additional options is a "Safe Search" feature which can prevent inappropiate content from being added to the users website. A full overview of changes can be found at http://wprobot.net/new.php

For more details and to download the free demo version of WP Robot, visit http://wprobot.net/

About Lunatic Studios
Lunatic Studios is a small web development firm from Munich, Germany which specializes in website automation and plugin development for the popular Wordpress platform. Its best known product to date is the WP Robot for Wordpress plugin. To learn more visit http://lunaticstudios.com/


Tags: automatic, blog, blogging, Development, internet marketing, SEO, wordpress, WP Robot

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Thomas Höfter
Press Contact, Lunatic Studios