Answering The Call Marcia Wieder Among 12 Success & Life Purpose Experts Featured in Virtual Telesummit Feb. 7-24

Marcia Wieder, CEO/Founder of Dream University, is among 12 leading success and life purpose experts who will reveal time-tested secrets to help people profitably fulfill their calling at a virtual telesummit Feb. 7-24, 2012.

[Los Angeles, CA, USA] Marcia Wieder, CEO/Founder of Dream University, is among 12 leading success and life purpose experts who will reveal time-tested secrets to help people profitably fulfill their calling at a virtual telesummit Feb. 7-24.

Wieder will present the second of 12 expert seminars on her topic, How To Make A Million Dreams Come True - Including Yours! Visit for more information and to register. Wieder is on a mission to help people achieve a million dreams this year! "With the state of our economy making so many feel out of control and unemployment at an all-time high, there is no more significant time to awaken people to their dreams," says Wieder.

The three-week success summit is hosted by Melanie Benson Strick, known as the Big Idea Catalyst and America's leading authority on Optimum Performance for Entrepreneurs. The summit is designed to give people who feel lost or overwhelmed in pursuing their passion a "blueprint" to navigate through this phase of their business growth.

Each expert will give entrepreneurs and service-based business owners proven steps to help them build profitable businesses, eliminate costly marketing mistakes and answer the age-old question, "How do I make more money doing what I love?" Participants have their choice of three levels of access: Silver, Gold and Platinum - "each designed to provide you with the level of support that best serves you," Strick says. For instance, the Virtual Summit Silver Pass gains participants live attendance and complete digital replay access for 24 hours, a $294 value now offered free of charge. Gold and Platinum upgrades offer expanded benefits including downloadable MP3s and transcripts and participation in a live Q&A session on Day 5 with Melanie and other experts featured in the series.

"I've learned over the years that I can never take enough notes during a live event to capture all the nuggets of wisdom," Strick says. "I like virtual summits where I can access the recordings over and over again."

As part of a commitment to serve and give back, 5 percent of all Gold and Platinum package enrollments will be given to the Unstoppable Foundation to support their work building schools and AIDS awareness education in Africa.

About Marcia Weider: As Founder and CEO of Dream University, Marcia Wieder travels the world as an ambassador for making dreams real. The author of 14 books, she's known for giving inspiring and moving talks to notable companies such as AT&T, The Gap and American Express. While serving as the President of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she was often invited to the White House. Her new dream is to make a million dreams come true in 2012.


Tags: Dream University, Dreams, Marcia Wieder

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