Bed Bugs Exterminator Services Busted
Online, April 15, 2011 ( - While a pests' invasion in homes such as bed bugs infestations are growing in numbers, the number of pest control services has now been growing too.
Moreover, the tremendous growth of unsatisfied costumers is also growing, since most of these companies are new to business and were inexperience with detecting bed bugs and getting rid of it.
There were many reports concerning scams about bed bugs exterminators, and Green Cleaning Products is helping these victims by giving away highly effective and very safe bed bug killer solution. Aside from the fact that is made from organic elements it helps bed bugs sufferers eliminate bed bugs on their own spending less and effortlessly.
Before you say you are a victim of these scammers read the news report below.
How Can You be Sure You Are Scammed?
"Bed Bugs exterminator companies had become a million business here in the U.S. With thousands of households and establishments that had been affected by bed bugs infestations, the number of pest control services and bed bugs exterminators had also doubled in time. However, with the numerous number of pest control services, only few are noted to be effective."
"Recently, there were individuals who reported to be scammed by bed bug exterminators. They said they have hired professionals to do the services and paid more than $1000 but in the end, they never get rid of bed bugs."
"According to study, the reason why most exterminators weren't able to completely eradicate bed bugs is due to the products and procedure they are using. For this reason, CEO of Green Cleaning Products one of the most popular manufacturers of home cleaning products is reaching out both bed bugs exterminators, pest control services and homeowners to try their newborn product that gets rid of bed bugs in seconds -Bed Bug Bully. You can visit Green Cleaning products to know more about this new organic bed bug killer."
R"ead the story about alleged scams on bed bugs services below."
"Bed Bug Exterminators Scam Reports: ==="
"Bed bugs are a national obsession, and with good reason. Their population has jumped by 500 percent in the United States in just the last few years, and many of us would try just about anything to get rid of them."
"Early Show" Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen has learned firsthand just how annoying bed bugs can be. She got them."
"Koeppen said, "One thing I've learned - getting rid of bed bugs can cost you big bucks. Bed bugs are becoming big business. But now, even some in the pest control industry are warning you may get ripped off trying to get rid of bed bugs."
"Just six months ago, Koeppen attended a bed bug summit in Chicago where she asked this important question: "I'm in hotels every week. What are the chances I'm bringing them home?"
Read the rest of the story at:
In the event you would like to give it a try, you can purchase Bed Bug Bully from online stores or at
Bed Bugs are annoying and irritating, but you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to get rid of these pests.
Tags: bed bugs, bed bugs infestations, green cleaning products, natural cleaning products