Builders & Realtors Need to Sell House & Flats with in House Fire Extinguisher

Ever present fire hazards due to excessive use of electrical appliances giving risk to short-circuit in homes are prompting builders and realtors to offer homes with in-house supplied fire extinguishers. Builders are shoing these in demo flats

Ever present fire hazards due to excessive use of electrical appliances giving risk to short-circuit in homes are prompting builders and realtors to offer homes with in-house supplied fire extinguishers. Forward looking and customer needs focused builders like SRE India are already displaying fire extinguishers in the demo flats as product differentiator. Ad this smart move has evoked appreciative response from prospective buyers. Selling flats with pre-installed portable aluminium alloy CO2 fire extinguishers is the way to build and sell homes for individual buyers. CO2 fire extinguishers with great looking aluminium alloy cylinders are easy to use and very effective in killing fires during their initial or golden stages (before they multiply to monstrous proportions).

User friendly Aluminium Fire Extinguishers - DouzeIt
All aluminium DouzeIt fire extinguishers from Uttam Group -pioneer leaders in fire extinguishers are extremely light weight and have a unique CO2 dispensing fog horn. This enables even an amateur to easily lift it with ease and spray the fire affected region with CO2. This allows people to extinguish the fire in its golden period (initial stage) before it can threaten life or property.

About our parent company: Uttam Super Brands
DouzeIt is a quality product of Uttam Super Brands the trading arm of Uttam Group that has excelled in the field of business since 1900. Uttam group sells this globally acclaimed CE marked Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers that are compliant to ISO standards . The UTTAM Group established in 1900 is headquartered at New Delhi is in the business of Manufacturing & Distribution of Medical and Industrial gasses, High Pressure Lightweight Gas Cylinders, Allied Equipment and Solutions. See more on


Tags: CO2 fire extinguishers, Fire Safety, Light weight Fire Extinguishers, Portable Fire Extinguishers

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Anshumali Saxena
Press Contact, Uttam Group
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1104 Ansal Bhawan KG Marg, Connaught Place
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