Canadian Game Developer Announces New Video Game Inspired By Democratic Revolutions

Inspired by recent news events on the people's quest for democracy, "Final Ordeal: Rise of Democracy" will be a geo-political, role-playing strategy game that will require gamer to peacefully transform a country into a secular democratic state.

Canadian Game developer Gamebienceā„¢ today announced the development of "Final Ordeal: Rise of Democracy", a geo-political, role-playing strategy game that puts gamers in control of a fictional nation under the brink of collapse due to outdated policies and people's rise for reform and change.

Gamers will step into the shoes of a Head of Stater of one of the fictional countries that face severe national crisis with rising unemployment, growing corruption and crippling government policies. As a Leader of a chosen nation, one of the main goals of the game is to achieve a near-Utopian status by overcoming people's discontent and transforming the nation into a prosperous democratic state by achieving demands of the people.

The game's secondary goal is to retain power by multiple methods including the choice to try and win a free election by transforming the nation into a successful democratic system.

As an opposition player, the ultimate goal of the gamer is to transform their chosen nation into a free and secular democratic nation either by peacefully defeating the Computer (playing as a Leader) or by transforming it into a democratically elected President -all by peace and dialogue.

Players can take on the role of a President of any of the five virtual countries partly inspired by real-life nations: Tanesia, Pharaonia, Adenestan, Aljar and Zorosia. Some other countries will be available via download-able add-on. Each virtual country is completely unique with its own set of cultures, political setup and outcomes.

The game will be released as a Digital edition next month and as a Retail DVD version shortly thereafter.


Tags: Bahrain, democratic revolution, egypt uprising, final ordeal, gamebience, geo-political game, revolution, uprising

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