Car Insurance Samurai Focuses on the Latest Automotive Technology

The Car Insurance Samurai will go the extra lengths necessary to cover the profound changes taking place in automotive technology. More importantly, its staff will endeavor to show those changes will affect average people and their auto insurance rat

The Car Insurance Samurai is revamping its editorial content with a strong focus on the latest trends in automotive technology.

In particular, the Samurai is exploring the effect that new technologies, such as self-driving cars, telemetric devices, and new energy sources, could have on auto insurance rates. The site has featured several articles on self-driving cars, including Google’s new car and the thesis that such vehicles could significantly lower car insurance rates by lowering the accident rate.

The major cause of auto accidents is driver error, which could be eliminated or greatly reduced by automating the driving process. There are even experts who believe that the decline in the number of deaths and injuries created by self-driving cars could rival that created by seatbelts. That could reduce the highest cost to insurance companies paying medical treatment for accident victims.

The computer systems in self-driving cars could reduce auto insurance rates by providing accurate real-time information about accidents. Such information could also allow insurers to tailor policies to clients by giving them a realistic picture of driving habits.

The Samurai has also looked into the relationship between electric cars and auto insurance. A recent article at the site noted that electric car owners often pay a lower rate for auto insurance.

Other new fuel sources explored at the site include hydrogen fuel cells. Some auto industry insiders feel that such fuel cells might be a better power source for vehicles than electric cars. The Samurai has also examined the use of propane and natural gas as fuel for cars.

Interesting discoveries include the fact that new devices could make it possible for owners to refill their vehicles with natural gas at home, much as electric cars can be recharged at home. That means gas stations could become a thing of the past at some point in the 21st century.

The Samurai has even explored the potential effects that ride sharing apps such as Uber could have upon driving and insurance. The Samurai’s experienced technology writer, Daniel G. Jennings, even believes that Uber could have as profound effect on urban transportation as Google did upon the internet.

The Car Insurance Samurai will go the extra lengths necessary to cover the profound changes taking place in automotive technology. More importantly, its staff will endeavor to show those changes will affect average people and their auto insurance rates.

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Tags: alternative fuels, auto insurance, car insurance, Natural Gas, Propane

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