City Officials Of Rochester Need Substantial Evidence For Bed Bugs Infestations

The City officials cannot take actions on the reported bed bugs infestations of the couple when there's no substantial evidence of bed bugs occurrence. On the other hand, the couple were advised to use bed bugs spray to get rid of bed bugs easily.

Officials of Rochester can never take action in response to reported incident of the couple trying to sue their landlord due to alleged bed bug infestations.

Many individuals or renters has the same issue but as the law says "evidence is necessary". In addition, you cannot put one in jail or force him to pay for damages, since bed bugs does not complicate health or brought illnesses.

The best thing to do is to get rid of bed bugs and other pests using green cleaning products.

Here's the case ==================================

"There have been issues with bed bug infestation all over Rochester, New York. One of which is the couple trying to sue their landlord due to bed bugs in their rented apartment."

"The couple informed City Official that they already notified the owner of the apartment, and they were only given some bed bug products to get rid of bed bugs, which doesn't resolve the problem. However, investigator says, "legal actions can't be done without substantial evidence"."

"Does this incident similar or somewhat happen to you? Read on..."

"The Need for Conclusive Bed Bug infestation before Suing Someone"

"ROCHESTER - A North Main Street couple has been informed by a city official they must produce physical evidence of their bed bug problem in their bedroom in order for the city to act upon their complaint."

"Arlene Hurd said Assistant City Code Enforcement Director Jim Grant inspected the apartment at 124 North Main St. on Monday and while Hurd had several live bed bugs stored in an empty prescription bottle, Grant told Hurd he needed to see live bugs active within the bedroom."

"Hurd said she rarely sees bed bugs during the day as they mostly come out at night."

"Once in a blue moon I'll see one during the day," Hurd said. "They never come out."

"Because of this, Grant later informed Hurd he will be coming out to the apartment on Friday at 8:30 a.m. with his colleague, City Health Inspector Bob Dingee, to try and find the bed bugs and their source."

"Later Monday, Hurd said she and her boyfriend, Richard Smith, took a video using a digital camera of bed bugs they discovered in their bed. They plan on submitting the video to Grant for his review before their Friday appointment."

"If the city determines there is an infestation of bugs, Hurd said Code Enforcement will recommend their landlord, Walter McCabe, use a professional exterminator to get rid of the bugs once and for all."

Read the rest of the story below:

If you have the same issue with bed bugs infestations and getting rid of bed bugs permanently, one thing you can do is use strong and yet safe green cleaning products. Tips on how to get rid of bed bugs are also available online.

Find out more at:


Tags: bed bug spray, bed bugs, bed bugs infestations, get rid of bed bugs, green cleaning products, kill bed bugs

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