Dr. Dusan Sajic Provides Advanced Skin Rejuvenation, Skin Tightening Treatments in Guelph

GUELPH, Ontario, December 18, 2020 (Newswire.com) - "The years between ages 35 and 55 can bring unwanted changes to our skin and appearance," says dermatologist Dr. Dusan Sajic of deRMA Skin Institute in Guelph. "Signs of aging can occur in any or all of five dimensions." To address these concerns, Dr. Sajic uses the latest technologies including a new radio-frequency microneedling device, eCO2 fractionated laser resurfacing, and his 5 Dimensions Skin Plan™ to significantly slow the skin's aging process. "The best results are often achieved with combination treatments," says Dr. Sajic.
Dr. Sajic says that using the correct home skin care techniques are extremely important for helping to slow the signs of aging. Beyond home care, advanced medical treatments can significantly slow and reverse signs of aging from 35 to 55 and beyond.
Three leading skin treatments using new technology:
The Moprheus8 is a new, highly effective radio frequency powered microneedling device for skin tightening, collagen building and elastin building. Morpheus8 uses fractionated radio frequency energy to tighten skin, rebuild collagen and remodel fat for an overall improved skin complexion, texture, and tone. It is minimally invasive, using micro pins to renew deeper layers of the skin with minimal patient downtime.
A "color blind" treatment.
The most commonly treated areas include the lower face, neck, and submental region. Morpheus8's "color blind" technology allows it to be used on all skin types, even darker skin tones.
To laser or not? Why laser skin resurfacing is making a comeback.
Are CO2 laser treatments worth the required downtime? Dr. Sajic says yes, especially for patients with significant sun damage, pre-cancers or fine lines and wrinkles, although lighter treatments such as intense pulsed light may be less invasive and require little to no downtime,
CO2 Laser treatment remains the single most effective non-surgical treatment for safely treating deep wrinkles, acne scars, chickenpox and trauma scars and for improving texture from aging, pollution and sun damage. Fractional CO2 Laser treatment is the gold standard that forms the cornerstone for non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment.
New eCO2 laser technology improves on the safety of fractional CO2 lasers in several ways. First, it produces small micro-laser beams that radiate into the skin and produce microscopic ablative columns (MAC's) or small areas of injury to the skin. Proprietary technology within the eCO2 minimizes thermal bystander effect, which minimizes the chance of adverse post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. By treating a fraction of the skin, skin recovers faster and with less downtime and less risks of adverse effects.
The 5 Dimensions Skin Plan™ and 5 Dimensions Skin Lift™
Dr. Sajic's 20 years of research and treatment experience inspired him to create these innovative techniques to address the interrelated dimensions of skin health, aging and disease. This integrative approach is designed to correct and delay the signs of aging.
"Each of the five dimensions of the aging process are addressed to help patients age timelessly," says Dr. Sajic. These five dimensions include:
• Bone loss, changes or "hypoplasia" (a small chin, sunken cheeks)
• Fat loss or displacement Festoons, Malar bags, Jowls, double chin
• Structural skin loss - degradation of elastin, collagen, causing loose skin
• Textural changes to the skin surface (brown spots, red spots, scarring and wrinkles)
• Muscle and movement imbalances - forehead lines, "11s", crows feet, Marionette Lines
"We often recommend combination treatments with lasers, Morpheus8 treatments, intense pulsed light, fillers such as Restylane, Belotero and Juvederm, and neuromodulators like Botox or Dysport. By using complementary treatments, we can address all the signs of aging in each of the five dimensions of the aging process; it is with this in mind that we developed our patented 5 Dimension Skin Lift™ - the pinnacle of minimally invasive, non-surgical face lift and rejuvenation."
To schedule a consultation visit dermaskininstitute.com, email to [email protected] or call 519-836-8558.
deRMA Skin Institute, Guelph • Instagram: @dermaskin_institute
Source: deRMA Skin Institute
Tags: 5 Dimensions Skin Lift, anti-aging, best skin tightening, Dr. Dusan Sajic, Guelph, guelph dermatologist, Kitchener, laser skin resurfacing, microneedling, Morpheus8, neck lift Guelph, skin tightening