Dr. Grandville W. Carson Interview: What Is A Good Bodybuilding Workout in 2010? Extraordinary Information from an Expert
Online, February 18, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Carmen Beach, Mx, February 18, 2010 -- This interview was centered in a question that has been really popular today. The question is:
Today, in 2010, what is considered a good bodybuilding workout?
Below we transcribe the conversation from Dr. Grandville:
Me: So Dr. Grandville, a popular question these days: Today, in 2010, what is considered a good bodybuilding workout? Is bodybuilding world today (on the 21st century) same as on 20th century?
Dr. Grandville: Hi Gustavo. I'll start this answer with the following:
We all know that today there is a huge difference than years before. Speaking realistically and honestly, years before bodybuilders seemed to be more natural, more athletic. Today, it's a fact that many bodybuilders look like phenomenons. And what to say about the health problems caused frequently by inadequate substances. This has come to confuse many new aspirants to bodybuilding world about who or what model to follow.
So let's share some extraordinary information that could be an important compass for today bodybuilding aspirants or beginners, to be completely clear about the correct way of doing a bodybuilding workout.
First, let's mention what is an ideal bodybuilding workout:
A feature of a good an ideal bodybuilding workout program is to provide an adequate amount of resistance to all the different areas of the body and muscle groups. It also contains a wide variety of exercises, and this includes weight training and cardiovascular training as well.
But let's be clear. When we mention an ideal bodybuilding workout, there is not a magic formula for everyone. Before creating or adopting a bodybuilding workout specifically for yourself, first you must consider the current state of your health. Why? Because remember that your health can factor in your recoverability, susceptibility to injury and your physical limitations.
Also, remember that you must begin slow and working your way up. It is really important that you get a basic knowledge about human anatomy and your main muscles before starting a bodybuilding workout. The reason is that when you know where your muscles are, you'll be correctly equipped to work them to their maximum capacity. Then you will start to concentrate on the specific muscle groups and use the weights to tone and sculpt those muscles.
Now that we have covered critical basic information, let's go to the point and let's mention which are specific Characteristics of a Good Bodybuilding Workout:
1- Your bodybuilding workout must be short. It can be between 45 to 75 minutes maximum.
2-Between each set the resting time should be a minimum (between 60 and 90 seconds.
3-Concerning to repetitions, each set should be by 8 to 15 repetitions for muscle mass gains and 15 to 25 repetitions for body sculpting purposes.
4- Your training must be varied and cycled.
Now let's mention several important bodybuilding workout variations:
High-Low Routine: On this routine you do a weight lifting exercise at a very heavy weight and then one at a lighter weight. Let's make an example. You can do bench presses at a heavy weight for 5 reps and then follow that with a set at a lightweight for 15 reps, theoretically giving you the best of both worlds.
Tri sets: These routines will be essentially supersets plus one. You work each muscle group with 3 exercises performed consecutively.
Burnout Sets: Burnout sets are made dropping the weight and doing the same bodybuilding exercise until you are completely fatigued.
Negative Reps: In these workout routines you will only perform the eccentric part of the exercises. A partner does all or most of the concentric part and you will concentrate all your energy on lowering the weight.
Forced Negative Reps: These are like the negative reps, except here you may do more of the concentric portion of the exercise only to have your partner add resistance to the eccentric part.
Multi Exercise Sets: These are similar to single set workout routines in which you will work each muscle group with just one set of several different weight lifting exercises.
Diminishing Sets: The concept here of these workout routines is that you aim for a number of total reps to do regardless of sets and then up the weight as soon as you can successfully complete the task within the desired time.
Pyramid Routine: Here you simply start out at a heavy weight, then work down to a lightweight and finally work back up to a heavy weight.
Tags: bodybuilding, bodybuilding workout, muscle, muscle weight, weight