Eckankar News: New Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams Booklet at 2012 Eckankar Springtime Seminar
Online, March 13, 2012 ( - Eckankar is a spiritual teaching that offers direct experience with the Light and Sound of God. Research shows that people can learn to solve problems while dreaming. In his new booklet Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams, award-winning inspirational author and spiritual leader of Eckankar Harold Klemp shows limitless possibilities for dreams. The booklet will be released at the 2012 Eckankar Springtime Seminar, where Harold Klemp will be the featured speaker.
While scientists focus on studying dreams as a biochemical phenomenon, Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar and award-winning author of more than seventy-five books, offers dreams as a source for spiritual renewal and healing. In his new booklet Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams, the sixth volume in the Spiritual Wisdom series, he writes, "An understanding of dreams can . . . aid us in learning to manage stress with more foresight and grace." The booklet includes inspiring stories, practical tips, and easy techniques for recalling and interpreting dreams. It is available online at (Eckankar, 2012; $3.00; ISBN 978-1-57043-374-0). It will be released at the 2012 Eckankar Springtime Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Harold Klemp will be the featured speaker.
In his book Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams, published by Eckankar, Harold Klemp writes, "Dreams can tell us everything we need to know to get along in this life. Yet how many people really believe that? If people actually did, the study of dreams would be much more prominent in our society than it is today." He goes on to say that an understanding of dreams can steady us for the surprises of the day and help us take everyday life in stride. As the spiritual leader of Eckankar, he teaches that this lifetime is our spiritual laboratory to gain insight, understanding, and experience.
In addition to aiding people in their daily lives, dreams offer a portal to the inner worlds beyond the physical dimension. Harold Klemp writes, "Remember that dreams have a meaning at the human, emotional, causal, mental, subconscious, and spiritual levels. They correspond to the six planes of existence-the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and Soul Planes. Each deals with a part of you, and each of your dreams comes mainly from one of these areas." Thus, this booklet offers the unique perspective that dreams happen in real worlds and involve real experiences that merit our study and contemplation. The dream teachings of Eckankar offer a "spiritual chemistry kit" for the spiritual seeker to explore the unseen laws of life.
This booklet also gives tips on developing one's own "dream dictionary." Author Harold Klemp asserts that the key to unlocking the meaning of dreams is within each individual. He gives essential tips for remembering and interpreting dreams.
Many people strive for extraordinary spiritual experiences through elaborate and difficult practices. However, this book shows that such experiences are as natural as going to sleep each night with a gentle focus on our dreams. Harold Klemp shares stories of people who have enjoyed the many benefits of dreams, including healing, prophecy, past-life recall, Soul Travel, and encounters with departed loved ones.
According to Harold Klemp, dreams can bring the freedom, wisdom, and love that help us reach the ultimate goal of God Consciousness. Then we discover that "no matter how far we venture into the uncharted reaches of God, we find it to be the endless journey."
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Tags: 2012, Dreams, eckankar, Harold, hu, klemp, seminar, Spiritual, spirituality, springtime