Erin Lale endorsed by Tea Party organization Anger is Brewing
Online, May 31, 2010 ( - Erin Lale, candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 29, was endorsed by local Tea Party organization Anger is Brewing. Lale has also been endorsed by the LPN Vote Caucus,, Gun Owners of Nevada, and the Fraternal Order of Police.
Lale plans to introduce legislation to define fees in Nevada law so fees collected for a specific purpose must be used for that purpose or given back to the taxpayers. Her plan to balance the state budget without a general tax increase is to end marijuana prohibition so the state can tax marijuana, spend $500 million less per year on prisons, free up police resources so we put more cops on the street without spending more money, bring parents back to the community which will help kids do better in school and break the cycle of poverty, have less gang violence, less border violence, and more tourist money in the local economy.
Lale is running against incumbent April Mastroluca, a Democrat. There is no primary in the District 29 race; no names will appear on the ballot for District 29 until the general election in November.
Tags: Action is Brewing, Anger is Brewing, April Mastroluca, District 29, endorsment, Erin Lale, nevada, Tea Party