Facebook Alternative: OnlyMeWorld Launches

Hawaii-based OnlyMeWorld, the alternative social networking site launches a platform similar in function to Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, and Twitter, yet differs in its approach to Privacy Rights, Anonymity, and Protection from Cyber Crime.

There is a growing concern over the handling of users' information, security, privacy, data mining, web tracking, and facial recognition software used by facebook and other social networking sites. Most critics and so-called private alternative social networking sites today complain that Facebook and others collect users' information and sell it to advertisers, making billions of dollars. Although these things should be reason enough for concern, the sale of people's information to advertisers and companies is not new and has been going on since long before Facebook arrived. "Nothing Is for Nothing."

Everyone from journalists to students, blogosphere to wall street, hackers to homemakers, and now even Washington DC lawmakers, are talking about a wide range of issues involving market share, social media, marketing, and much more!

The two most important issues everyone is talking about are "Privacy" and "Cyber Crime".

Byron Acohido, USA Today, recently reported that Chris Calabrese, legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union was quoted saying that the latest Facebook changes touch a privacy nerve, "There's a loss of user control here, combined with the permanent nature of the information, it means there is a lack of the ability for consumers to control and protect their online reputations."

Privacy controls only protect users' profiles from being viewed by the general public, but do not stop hackers, companies, and governments from viewing and abusing a persons personal & financial life.

Facebook, Google+, and most social networking sites today offer numerous privacy controls that somewhat protect users' privacy. These numerous privacy controls do not protect users people from Cyber Crime, Big Brother Abuses, and Profiling.

"When you go into a department store, you know that the store's security camera and staff are watching you. You fill out credit card applications, surveys, and socialize. This is all done knowingly and voluntarily," explains Carlson Yamamoto, the founder and President of OnlyMeWorld.com. "Once you leave the store though, does the store have a right to continue to watch, analyze, and track you without your permission? This is what Facebook, Google+, and many other social networking sites today are doing, which is not only an invasions of ones privacy, it's a crime!"

Regardless of what sites today promise regarding security, any site can be hacked. (Some examples would be: governments, banks, and law enforcement agencies who all have "so called" state of art security systems). Social networking sites such as Google+ and Facebook are open-door gold mines for cyber criminals. The obvious solution to address these problems involving privacy, anonymity and cyber crime is simple; no real names, no emails.

The obvious solution to address these problems involving privacy, anonymity and cyber crime is simple; no real names, and no email addresses.

OnlyMeWorld offers a social networking platform similar in function to Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, and Twitter, yet differs in its approach to Privacy Rights, Anonymity, and Protection from Cyber Crime. At OnlyMeWorld, people are able to participate with absolute privacy and anonymity. OnlyMeWorld requires no real names or email addresses.



Tags: facebook, FTC, privacy


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Carlson Yamamoto
3131 Pualei Circle
Honolulu, HI 96815
United States