Furious Nerd Productions Announce Jack Be Nimble the Movie is Coming to Theaters

The Pandemic did not stop this production
Jack Be Nimble

Furious Nerd Productions announced the upcoming release of the feature film, Jack Be Nimble. This film was written and directed by award winning director Steve Wollett during the height of the Covid-19 epidemic. The film stars the legendary Bai Ling and Vernon Wells. Jack be Nimble is a comedy about old gamers. Set inside a nursing facility, five old school role players live out their twilight years. They still game, and this gaming is what is keeping their spirits alive. One day, one of the gamers, who just happens to be suffering from alcoholic induced dementia, comes to suspect that a staff member is a demon. He gathers his friends and together they begin the quest they have been waiting for.

"This film has a magic that I have not seen on a set since Mad Max," said Vernon Wells at the wrap party for Jack be Nimble.

"Truly the best director and project I have worked with," said Michelle Brown Houston, Project Manager for Furious Nerd Productions.

Jack Be Nimble is scheduled to have its World Premiere in April 2022. The film has been entered into Fantasia, Tribeca, as well as several other festivals. A private screening of the film is scheduled at TotalCon on Feb. 26. All who attend the convention may come to see it for free. For more information go to www.totalcon.com.

Nerd culture has become mainstream culture in recent years. Jack Be Nimble was inspired by the nerds that made this possible - with people like Gary Gygax, Mike Pondsmith, Stan Lee, and others, who gave us the characters and worlds we have come to love. As many of these greats are now dead or very old, Jack Be Nimble was inspired by their lives. The film answers the question of what we, as gamers, may be like when we are seventy or eighty years old. Better yet, it looks at how nursing facilities might be in the age of the geek.

The Talent:

Bai Ling is recognized the world over for amazing performances. She has won numerous awards in many countries and was even nominated for a Golden Horse Award for her part in The Abortion. During the pandemic Bai Ling wrote and produced My Quarantine Romance with Toilet Paper. Her career spans from her days in the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army to working side by side with Brandon Lee in The Crow. From there she moved onto films with many other greats including Richard Gere in Red Corner, Jason Statham in Crank: High Voltage, and many more. Here unbridled freedom and creativity make her the star on any set that she walks onto. 

Vernon Wells got his start in a low budget erotic film but then got the role of a lifetime with Mel Gibson in Mad Max: The Road Warrior.  Cashing in on that appearance he revised the role in Weird Science. Roles in films like Commando painted him as a Hollywood bad boy. He soon found himself playing the heavy on both television and the big screen. From playing a psychotic, post apocalyptic gangster, his transformation to a super hero in the Power Rangers proved his amazing ability as an actor. 

About Steve Wollett:

Widowed in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, Director and Writer, Steve Wollett has remained true to his mission to create the most memorable and lasting stories. He has published numerous books including Blasphemous Cocktails, Murder Me Sunshine, and the soon to be released Gods Assassin. His films have won awards in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia, and India. He is a founding member of the World's Largest film Library in Jaipur India. As a connoisseur of film, he sits as a jury member on 16 different film festivals.

PR CONTACT:                 Steve Wollett

Phone Number:                  +1 410-236-1524

Email:                                 [email protected]

Website:                             http://www.furiousnerdproductions.com

Press Assets:

Movie Trailers                   30 second:           https://vimeo.com/669211333 

                                           60 second:            https://vimeo.com/669211758

                             Behind the Scenes:            https://vimeo.com/669212154 

Press Photos are available at:              https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-2Nop6ZrfksH9oWMiRfSpOPe8-KvGn-b?usp=sharing

Press Screener is available at:          https://vimeo.com/662379417

Screener Password:                          notadress 

Source: Furious Nerd Productions


Tags: Comedy, Horror, Indiefilm