Get A Plan For Before And After You Get That Business Loan
Know what you need, and whether you can repay it
Online, November 20, 2011 ( - Finding financing is probably the biggest hurdle any new business owner will face - it's also tough for the seasoned business owner who's looking to expand his business.
But business owners with good credit don't have to spend a lot of time and energy looking for a lender - fortunately, banks and credit unions are more than willing to work with large and small businesses.
What types of unsecured business loans are available to entrepreneurs? These loans can be secured or unsecured. Secured loans require collateral, such as a home or property. A secured loan means a lower interest rate and longer repayment terms. Unsecured business loans don't require collateral, but because of the higher risk involved, lenders usually charge a much higher interest rate, and the loans may be limited. Either way, as long as your credit score is good, you shouldn't have any problem getting the loan you need.
But what if you don't have good credit? If your credit isn't what you'd like it to be, you'll definitely find that getting approved for the loan you need will be more difficult. So before you even begin the process, you'll want to obtain your credit report and go through it with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure there are no errors, and that any questionable entries are removed. You should also make sure that any items that are dragging your credit score down are taken care of and removed. You may even decide that until this is done, it would be best to wait to apply for that business loan.
Another thing you should do before beginning the loan application process is to take an honest look at how much money you actually need, and determine how much you can actually repay. You don't want to obtain a loan just because you can, and the struggle to repay it. This is a sure recipe for disaster, both for you personally and for your business.
Once you've determined what you can afford to borrow, you'll want to develop a plan to spend the money wisely. Map out the most efficient way to spend your business loan - keeping in mind that the path you choose could mean success or spell failure for your business venture.
When you've done everything to properly prepare for the loan, and to get your credit and finances in order, go ahead and go for it - go out and get that loan. But be sure you repay the loan as agreed, on time, ever time.
Tags: business loans, credit score, finance, unsecured business loans, unsecured loans