Indian Hologram Industry Growing 19% Annually
Online, March 17, 2011 ( - Hologram Manufacturers Association of India (HOMAI), the industry body deal in promotion of holography in India has released its 2nd Financial Study of hologram industry in India. According to the report the hologram market in India is constantly increasing with an average growth rate of 19% per annum in last 5 years.
Indian Market Overview
The hologram market in India, currently estimated at Rs 2.4 billion, is further projected to grow at 15% CAGR for the next 5 years as there is a huge demand of holographic features in sectors such as Identity Documents, Tobacco and Brand Protection. According to HOMAI, The increasing need for enhanced security and protection of consumers from counterfeiting products as well as quality services, reasonable price, increases in export are the reason behind this constantly growth.
Research Method
The report has been done on the basis of primary data based on reported figures of 21 HOMAI member companies. The report consists of 3 sections covering i) Financial highlights of industry 2005-2010 ii) Analysis of key rations 2005-2010 and iii) conclusions and trend analysis. It comprises of figures and statistics on capital employed, net fixed assets, current assets, current liabilities, sales, sales to fixed assets, credit period, inventory, raw material to sales, profit etc. The report comprises 20 pages and costs US $ 675.
The report will be useful for industry researchers, hologram manufacturers, manufacturers of branded and security sensitive products, advisory firms in the sector, global investors looking at India in terms of future investments in this industry.
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Tags: anti-counterfeiting, brand protection, Hologram