IP Displays No Longer Sit Idle as Teachers and Office Staff Can Now Interact With Push of a Button

Software Pre-Loaded with Common Alerts, Bells, Paging & Two-Way Intercom

Schools are making significant investments in IP-based mass notification endpoint devices that communicate clear messaging during critical weather or worst-case security events. As part of an overall mass notification solution, IP endpoints installed throughout a school receive alerts over the network and direct people to safety. Always on and available for potential emergencies, these devices provide peace of mind to administration, faculty, staff, and students. Unfortunately, on a daily basis, IP endpoints get limited use outside of emergency notification. Now with the launch of ClockWise Campus, that has changed, as staff or teachers with access to a tablet or computer web browser can interact with specific IP device(s) with the push of a button. A teacher can show a quiz timer or a red stoplight with sounds to manage their classroom. The office can send reminders for an assembly or up-to-the-minute updates as weather changes recess plans. Because the software can configure alerts for Advanced Network Devices' HD IP Display, messages can include scrolling text as any color in the spectrum, show off the school logo, way-find with detailed maps, and engage students with photos.

The release of ClockWise Campus marks a slight rebranding as part of the latest update to IPClockWise, Advanced Network Devices' software that comes with the purchase of any IP PoE device. As part of development, the marketing team talked with customers to get a sense of how they could add value. They found customers were often busy with day-to-day activities, leaving them little time to explore the software. Many didn't realize how much more they could do with it. So, the new version comes with common tools and templates pre-loaded, including custom messaging, weather and security alerts, code alerts, and even a basic bell schedule. Users can launch tools as is, or adjust details to fit their needs.

Abel Juarez, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at AnetD spoke about using ClockWise Campus with their new full-color HD IP Display: "Now that you can capture attention with custom, multi-color graphics, photos, and even maps, our channel partners everywhere want to make it easier for their customers to access devices and use them throughout the day. In fact, as a result of customer input, we're working on translating the software to Spanish and French. These versions will be available in the coming months."

With ClockWise Campus, which works as its own complete solution, as well as integrates alongside mass notification software partners such as Intrado Revolution, Singlewire InformaCast, Layered Solutions, Connexxall, and others, Advanced Network Devices continues to lead the mass notification industry with innovations that empower facilities to interact in a more practical way with its full-featured, visual endpoints, while keeping people informed and safe. All ANetD products are designed and made in the USA, expertly engineered and built to last.

Source: Advanced Network Devices


Tags: emergency planning, hd displays, hd IP Displays, ip based solution, ip endpoints, ip poe devices, mass notification, mass notification software, mass notification solution, school safety

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Advanced Network Devices offers Power over Ethernet (PoE) IP devices with bright, flicker-free, multi-color LCD and LED displays and speakers for mass notification solutions in education, healthcare, industrial, municipal, and office facilities.

Advanced Network Devices
3820 Ventura Drive
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
United States