Jaime Raskulinecz of Next Generation Trust Services is a Finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year® 2017 Award, New Jersey Region

Roseland, N.J., May 12, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Ernst & Young has announced that Jaime Raskulinecz, founder and CEO of Next Generation Trust Services (www.NextGenerationTrust.com), is a finalist for the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2017 Award in the New Jersey Region. The awards program recognizes entrepreneurs who are excelling in areas such as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Raskulinecz was selected as a finalist by a panel of independent judges comprising previous award winners, leading CEOs, private equity and venture capital investors, and other regional business luminaries.
Award winners from among the 30 finalists will be announced at a special gala event on June 29, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick; regional winners are then eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur Of The Year National competition. Now in its 31st year, the Entrepreneur Of The Year program has expanded to recognize business leaders in over 145 cities and more than 60 countries throughout the world, who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement.
"I've worked hard to grow the business since its inception 13 years ago, developing a great team and expanding our services to clients seeking to self-direct their retirement investments. This is such a high honor, to be recognized for my accomplishments as an entrepreneur and to join such a stellar roster of other business owners and professionals in New Jersey."
Jaime Raskulinecz, CEO, Next Generation Trust Services
“I’ve worked hard to grow the business since its inception 13 years ago, developing a great team and expanding our services to clients seeking to self-direct their retirement investments. This is such a high honor, to be recognized for my accomplishments as an entrepreneur and to join such a stellar roster of other business owners and professionals in New Jersey,” said Raskulinecz. She will soon expand her corporate roster with Next Generation Trust Company, slated to launch in July 2017.
Raskulinecz founded her company — a third-party administrator of self-directed retirement plans — in 2004 after wanting to include real estate in her IRA but being unable to find a professional to help her with that type of transaction. Today, Next Generation holds more than $600 million in assets for self-directed investors who may include a broad range of non-publicly traded alternative assets within their retirement plans. The company reviews all transactions before executing them upon clients’ instructions, and handles all the paperwork and reporting associated with the accounts. Next Generation also educates clients, the investing public and professionals about self-direction as a retirement wealth-building strategy.
Prior winners from New Jersey include International Vitamin Corp, IT Cosmetics, NPS Pharmaceuticals, and Tumi. National leaders who have been honored include such entrepreneurs as Howard Schultz of Starbucks Coffee Company, John Mackey of Whole Foods Market Inc., Pierre Omidyar of eBay, Inc., Reid Hoffman and Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn Corporation and Mindy Grossman of HSN, Inc.
Award winners in several national categories, as well as the Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall Award winner, will be announced at the Entrepreneur Of The Year National Awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 18, 2017. The awards are the culminating event of the Strategic Growth ForumTM, the nation’s most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.
For more information about self-directed retirement plans, visit www.NextGenerationTrust.com, or contact Next Generation Trust Services at 888.857.8058 or [email protected].
About Next Generation Trust Services
Next Generation Trust Services, headquartered in Roseland, New Jersey, is a professional third-party administrator of self-directed retirement plans. Next Generation provides education, administrative support, and account maintenance to individuals interested in self-directing their retirement portfolios with a wide variety of investments that are not typically found in an IRA; these include real estate, precious metals, notes and mortgages, private placements, accounts receivables, limited partnerships, hedge funds, and much more. Next Generation Trust Services serves clients globally via its website, www.NextGenerationTrust.com. For more information on self-directing a retirement plan, call 888.857.8058 or e-mail [email protected]. Effective July 1, 2017, CEO Jaime Raskulinecz will introduce Next Generation Trust Company, a custodian for self-directed retirement plans.
About Entrepreneur Of The Year® (ey.com/eoy)
Entrepreneur Of The Year®, founded by EY, is the world’s most prestigious business awards program for entrepreneurs, chosen from an independent panel of judges including entrepreneurs and prominent leaders from business, finance, and the local community. The program makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global awards program of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in over 145 cities and more than 60 countries. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards are nationally sponsored in the US by SAP America, Merrill Corporation and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. In New Jersey, sponsors also include PNC, DLA Piper, Morgan Lewis, Pine Hill Group, Murray Devine and SolomonEdwards.
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Source: Next Generation Trust Services
Tags: Entrepreneur of the Year, entretpreneur, Ernst & Young, Next Generation Trust Services, self-directed retirement plans