Mexico Strong: Pulling Together in the Wake of the Earthquake

In Mexico City, search and rescue specialists Los Topos Azteca, the Mexican navy, firefighters, search and rescue teams from as far away as Japan and Israel backed by more than a thousand volunteers are working around the clock to pull survivors out of the rubble. The Church of Scientology Mexico serves as the Los Topos headquarters for the Mexico City disaster response.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers van, loaded with supplies and heading off to distribute them to those in need.

Working eight hours on and 2 1/2 hours off around the clock, first responders have not stopped in their search for survivors since the Mexico earthquake struck in the early afternoon of Sept. 19. From throughout Mexico and beyond, rescue workers and volunteers continue to arrive. And some 43 tons of donated supplies have poured in to the Church of Scientology Mexico for distribution to these workers and to those in need.

Learning that search and rescue teams and volunteers have been spending their 2 1/2 hours off grabbing a bite and catching a two-hour nap on the floor of the Scientology Church, which is serving as headquarters for the Los Topos disaster response, the executives of two local four star hotels, Fiesta Inn and the Bristol Hotel, came by to invite the Topos and other volunteers to use their facilities free of charge for food, a shower and a place to sleep.

A virtual fleet of volunteer motorbike riders and cyclists come by the church in a steady parade to load up with water, food, and medical supplies and ride off to the 40 sites, where first responders continue to dig through the rubble. And Volunteer Ministers vans ferry boxes of goods to the bright yellow Scientology Volunteer Ministers tents set up around the city where people can come for anything from water and food to medical supplies, diapers and baby food.

Hundreds of people from across the city have joined up as new Volunteer Ministers and carry out the logistical backup needed for this massive rescue operation. Many of them have also begun training to deliver first aid and Scientology assiststechniques developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard that help speed recovery from stress and trauma.

The Mexico disaster response continues as an around-the-clock demonstration of cooperation among thousands of people all determined to help — and doing so.



Tags: Los Topos, Mexico earthquake, rescue, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, survivors

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