Miami Exterminator Notice: Bedbugs Biting in Dade
Online, August 4, 2010 ( - The National Pest Management Association ( recently completed the largest ever survey on bedbug infestations in the United States. The facts are in, and, while bedbugs bite, the results sting. Bedbug related calls to exterminators have risen by 81% over the past decade, and up 57% over just the last five years. Bedbug infestations aren’t only relegated to the stereotypical budget motel chains and Skid Row. Far from it, the largest surge in calls comes from apartment and condo buildings as well as single family homes. Even schools and churches are feeling the bite.
The results are based on over 500 pest control businesses located nationwide. According to the survey:
• Infestations occurred in all regions of the U.S.
• Exterminators in Miami, FL and New York City both saw an increase greater than the national average.
• 1 in 5 of the companies treated bedbugs this year. This is up from just 1 in 20 two years ago.
Bed bugs (cimex lectularius) are small reddish brown creatures with six legs. Unfed bedbugs are flat, while they become swollen and longer after feedings. Adult bedbugs are about 1/4 inch long, which makes them visible, but hard to see with the naked eye. Bed bugs are parasites which feed only on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Excellent hitchhikers, bedbugs will hide in suitcases, boxes, and shoes until they encounter a food supply. Once in the home, they generally hide out in tight places such as behind baseboards, cracks in the paint, folded sheets, or inside of the box-spring. When night falls, they emerge looking for a blood meal. Typically a feeding takes about five to ten minutes, after which they move to a secluded area to digest for a week or two. At this time it is not thought that bed bugs actively transmit diseases, however their bites do become itchy, red welts.
Bed bug outbreaks represent terrible PR for hotels, much of which is unwarranted. Bedbugs are in fact not a sanitation issue. They are brought in by guests and have little to do with the cleanliness of the hotel itself. The current outbreak is credited to the fact that bedbugs are growing increasingly resistant to the chemicals typically used by pest control experts to treat them.
To reduce the chance that bedbugs enter your life, the following precautions may help:
• Vacuum suitcases after returning from vacation.
• Take a quick visual inspection before sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. Look for the bugs themselves or for small blood spots on the sheets or mattress.
• Never bring second-hand furniture into the home without a thorough visual inspection and cleaning if needed.
If you are currently experiencing a bedbug outbreak in your home or business it is suggested you contact a pest control professional right away. South Florida customers should contact Palmer Pest Management (, the Miami Exterminator with experience treating bed bugs. Call (305) 370-4653 today.
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Tags: dade county, exterminators, miami, pest control, pest management, South Florida