MOBILTEX Launches the Cortalk RMU1-SUB — Subgrade Cathodic Protection Remote Monitor

CALGARY, Alberta, May 21, 2021 ( - MOBILTEX [an XPV Water Partners company] today introduces the CorTalk RMU1-SUB, a robust and intelligently engineered device based on our industry-leading fourth generation RMU1, and specifically for the environmental challenges within subgrade installations. Working together with our industry partners, MOBILTEX has boldly taken on the challenge of delivering a Cathodic Protection (CP) test station remote monitoring solution that can be deployed in virtually any location flush-mounted to the ground, and that can withstand the harshest of environmental conditions. The device is designed to significantly increase and optimize the acquisition of critical CP performance and regulatory compliance data, eliminates process-intensive permitting and traffic control requirements, and effectively removes workers from high-risk areas to perform manual collections.
Infrastructure organizations around the world manage tens of thousands of subgrade, or flush-mounted, test stations to monitor CP on energy or water pipeline assets. These are more commonly utilized in urban areas due to their less conspicuous nature, and often require installation directly within the traffic right-of ways. Test stations are commonly only visited once a year as part of the annual level of protection compliance readings. At each site, a technician must obtain permitting, setup and coordinate traffic control, gain access to the valve box, take a voltage reading (often an ON and an OFF potential), and record before moving on to the next site. A time consuming and expensive process. And even if managed well, one errant driver can put the health and safety of the public and the utility workers at risk.
"The CorTalk RMU1-SUB solves a significant challenge for organizations that have CP systems protecting assets in challenging urban locations which requires technicians to physically monitor or collect readings directly, and also creates difficult environments for managing CP systems effectively," said MOBILTEX CEO Marc Bracken. "Manual data collection in urban applications is time-consuming, costly, dangerous, and can introduce human error and is highly inefficient. But it also significantly delays system health data and therefore decision making, which not only adds costs, but also minimizes the ability for operations to proactively mitigate business risk. The RMU1-SUB is another example of how MOBILTEX is working directly with our customers to develop solutions to address real problems that improve safety, lower costs, and more effectively protect their critical infrastructure assets."
"The difficulty in designing a device to work in these harsh environments that can last 10 years in the field was not lost on us," said Tony da Costa, Mobiltex VP of Engineering. "We leveraged our skills in Quality Assurance testing and reliability engineering to design a device that will function for years in typical subgrade valve boxes. However, validation wasn't just done in a lab environment, these units were tested in real world conditions by our clients. One of our clients piloting the device even submerged it in a bucket of water and left it overnight to freeze solid and it continued to work properly."
With a network of battery-powered CorTalk RMU1-SUB devices transmitting data by cellular or satellite networks, pipeline operators can effectively eliminate the need to physically visit CP test stations to obtain critical system measurements and can begin to leverage near real-time data collection. This new level of data collection also allows operators to effectively identify short-lived events that impact CP performance, such as power load transfers or faults, as well as significant urban challenges produced by high-voltage power lines and transit systems that can compromise CP systems. These intermittent issues are nearly impossible to identify through annual or semi-annual site inspections and can leave pipelines vulnerable to corrosion.
The RMU1-SUB has two-way communication capabilities and can monitor all signals applicable to test point pipe-to-soil potential, coupon and bond monitoring. Especially important for monitoring test point potentials, edge computing features enable it to capture of both On and Off DC potentials with only the attachment of an additional reference cell. By cycling the impressed current rectifiers and galvanic anodes attached to the protected structure, it's now possible to attain a validation of an asset's protection level from anywhere with a web-enabled device. The fine time granularity of the readings gives new insights into the varying protection levels throughout the year.
Data that is transmitted by the RMU1-SUB, and other MOBILTEX remote monitoring devices, is received and stored by CorView, a powerful cloud-based software platform. CorView can be accessed from any location, using any web-enabled device, to access measurement data, create trending graphs and generate reports. Technicians can also configure CorView to automatically send alerts if measurements received from the RMU1-SUB are outside of set thresholds or if data is not received at scheduled intervals. CorView's data repository and functions are entirely hosted and supported by MOBILTEX, which means no special software or IT support is ever required to access its powerful capabilities.
Please visit to learn more about the CorTalk RMU1-SUB and the entire suite of Cathodic Protection and Pipeline Integrity solutions from MOBILTEX.
Over 30 years of cathodic protection innovation, over 200 major organizations across North America and around the globe, and over 160,000 kilometres of pipeline assets protected - MOBILTEX solutions are redefining the cathodic protection and pipeline integrity monitoring industry. As our reputation grows, we continue to invest and expand our patented IIoT technologies while leveraging 5G cellular and satellite communications across our portfolio. MOBILTEX is widely recognized in the industry for innovation, reliability, and our world-class service and support. For more information, visit
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XPV Water Partners is comprised of experienced water entrepreneurs, operators, and investment professionals dedicated to make a difference in the water industry. XPV invests in and actively supports water-focused companies to enable them to grow and deliver value for all stakeholders. For more information, visit
Media Contact: Jonathan Saint
Phone: 403.291.2770
Email: media[ at ]mobiltex[ dot ]com
Tags: cathodic protection, corrosion, corrosion monitoring, iiot, pipeline integrity, pipeline safety, pipelines, remote monitoring, Water management, water utilities