New Dream Book, In The Style Of Montague Ullman, To Help You Understand Dreams Without Interpretation

Using the dream analysis style of Montague Ullman, Markku Siivola has expanded his techniques and created new lessons for understanding dreams.

Interpreting dreams can be a difficult and complicated process. Everyone dreams-some scary, some happy, some normal, some strange. Curiosity piques when you wake up from a particularly odd dream thinking "What was that about?" Understanding Dreams: The Gateway to Dreams without Dream Interpretation, a book by Markku Siivola, is the simple way to gain dream insight without approaching the complicated and sometimes messy interpretation process.

Interpreting dreams can take a lot of training and psychological experience. It's not accessible for the average person who wakes up wanting some answers. Markku Siivola's book offers an approachable method anyone can use to access dreams. Through dream groups and the dream group process, a technique invented by dream therapist Montague Ullman and expounded on by Siivola, anyone can gain the skill of understanding what their dreams are saying and how they reflect their daily lives with the knowledge found in this book.

Ideal for dreamers in all cultures, for readers put off by traditional dream psychology and dream interpretation, and even professional therapists, this book avoids cliched terms and approaches, focusing instead on the dreamer and how dreams can help break down the thoughts and feelings we are normally too busy to analyze. Inside, you will find commonly asked questions about dream interpretation, the history of dream psychology and its researchers, the dream group approach, and dreams in relation to the universe and our world. Translated from the original Finnish, Understanding Dreams makes it easy to access dreams with a fearless, hands-on approach that anyone can learn and master.

What others are saying:

"Siivola writes journalistically lucid and easily readable text, divided into short chapters. [...] Understanding Dreams is an interesting book not only because of dreams, but also because of its life philosophy, art and poetry." -Jonimatti Joutsijärvi, Parnassus Literary Magazine

"The most interesting chapter in the book is the last one; Dreams and the Universe, which rises up to lyrical heights, examining from the dream viewpoint, among other topics, creativity, art, and visions born in scientific domains." -Pia Ronkainen, Oulu University Student Magazine

Markku Siivola is a doctor of psychiatry who practiced liaison and rehabilitation psychiatry in Finland and Sweden before becoming an approved dream group leader. He has been nominated as an honorary member of the Swedish Dream Group Forum and co-founded the Finnish Dream Group Forum. His works include a Finnish translation of Montague Ullman's Working with Dreams and the bestselling Unien Opissa, a book of instructions for the dream group process.

Understanding Dreams: The Gateway to Dreams without Dream Interpretation
Cosimo Books, November 2011
Body, Mind, & Spirit/Personal Development
ISBN: 978-1-61640-548-9
Paperback, 192 pages, $14.99/ £10.99/€ 12.99/A$19.99

Always available at online bookstores. Visit



Tags: analysis, Dream Groups, Dreams, Montague Ullman, Psychology, understanding

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