Parker and Sons Offers Tips for Easy Breathing in the Winter

Even though fall has officially begun, the weather has still been hot in the valley. However, as it begins to cool down, many people might start experience difficulty breathing. This is especially noticeable by people who have asthma, etc. With this being a concern for the community, Parker and Sons has taken the initiative to continue their support of local residents by outlining simple ways in which you can help yourself to breathe easier during the cold seasons.

When speaking with Parker and Sons representative Josh Kelly, he commented on the issue, saying that “it’s a real issue for people… to breathe in the cold air. Some experience shortness of breath, which stops them from being able to do every day things, or even exercise.” With that in mind, Kelly let us in on the following things to make the colder season easier to bear.

One of the biggest things people can do, which is never done enough, is change their filters," said Kelly. By replacing your filters on a regular basis, which should be done once a month for the best results and air quality, you can get better, cleaner air throughout your house. This is important during the winter as well, seeing that clean filters let warm air pass through into your home easier, as dirty, unclean filters only obtrude the airflow.

“One of the biggest things people can do, which is never done enough, is change their filters,” said Kelly. By replacing your filters on a regular basis, which should be done once a month for the best results and air quality, you can get better, cleaner air throughout your house. This is important during the winter as well, seeing that clean filters let warm air pass through into your home easier, as dirty, unclean filters only obtrude the airflow.

The benefits don’t stop there, however. Kelly also mentioned that newer air filters have a better ability to trap things like dust, which contributes to asthmatic symptoms and allergies.

If air filters aren’t the issue, Kelly also says that keeping humidifiers in your home, and in particular, in the rooms you use most often such as bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. By keeping humidifiers running throughout the hours you are using those rooms, they will help you to breathe easier. “For most people with things like asthma, cold, dry air is a huge issue. We’ve seen people who have called us in to check their HVAC systems during the winter who have difficulty breathing, when all they needed was more humid air. Their systems were working perfectly,” said Kelly.

Before you call Parker and Sons for their professional services, be sure to try these tips. If that still doesn’t work and you believe that the issue is coming from your HVAC system, Parker and Sons provides some of, if not the absolute best, services around.  

Source: Parker and Sons


Tags: Air Conditioning & Cooling, air conditioning and cooling, Drain Cleaning, electrical, plumbing repair

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Phoenix, AZ 85050