Praesidium Team Shares Expertise with Vatican Child Protection Groups

A team of Praesidium's experts on sexual abuse prevention recently met with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City to share their expertise in developing child safety practices within organizations.

A team of Praesidium’s experts on sexual abuse prevention recently met with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City to share their expertise in developing child safety practices within organizations. 

The Praesidium team held discussions with representatives from three groups involved in the Catholic Church’s child protection efforts:

  • Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL)
  • Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)
  • Centre for Child Protection at the Gregorian University

Drawing on 25 years of experience, Praesidium offered insight into how abuse occurs in child-serving groups and how large organizations successfully implement safety initiatives. 

“The Praesidium team was impressed with the clear commitment of the Roman Catholic Church and found each of the meetings to be a collegial exchange of ideas and best practices,” said Richard Dangel, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer, Praesidium.

“Though the Church has an enormous task ahead, it also has a precious opportunity to advocate globally for child welfare,” said Christy Schiller, vice president of Religious Services, Praesidium. “It was an honor to bring our experience to the table,” Schiller said.

In addition to Dangel and Schiller, the Praesidium team included Fr. George Mulligan, C.S.C., safety analyst. Representing Praesidium’s Religious Advisory Council were Fr. Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B.; Fr. Walter Deye, S.J.; and Br. Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C.

“Praesidium looks forward to further collaboration with Vatican representatives and to being a resource for those tasked with developing global prevention and response efforts within the Church,” Dangel said.

Praesidium Inc., an international leader in abuse risk management based in Arlington, Texas, has helped thousands of organizations over the last two decades protect those in their care from abuse. More information about Praesidium is available at


Tags: abuse prevention, catholic, child sexual abuse