Renewables Shine Amidst The Gloom Of Latest Fuel Increases

Ice Energy Technologies believe consumers facing more energy pricing misery after Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) announced further increases from October have never been better placed to benefit from renewable energy systems such as heat pumps.

Consumers are bracing themselves for yet more price rises after energy firm Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) announced domestic gas and electricity prices would increase by an average of 9% from mid-October. The rises which will mean an increase of around £102 annually for customers with an average standard dual-fuel bill, come after the company reported a 2% rise in annual pre-tax profits to £1.33bn in May of this year.

During 2011, each of the big six energy suppliers increased their prices, in some cases twice. Despite a round of small cuts for customers earlier this year by SSE who reduced gas prices by 4.5% in March, this latest increase may not be the last after Centrica warned in May that domestic prices may rise again in the Autumn due to increases in the wholesale price of gas.

Ice Energy Technologies, the UK's leading renewable energy heating company believes the impact of repeated price hikes could force people into making uncomfortable decisions as to whether or not they can afford to use their heating this winter.

"Unfortunately we have seen many times in the past that vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those on low incomes have been forced to do without heating due to the cost of their energy bills. For this to continue to occur in the 21st century is in my view a disgrace" said Ice Energy Managing Director, Andrew Sheldon.

"Thankfully though, the availability of grant schemes combined with a greater understanding of the benefits of heat pumps via the promotional activities of companies such of ours has seen more and more householders adopting renewables and in doing so, reducing their fuel costs and future-proofing their supply for years to come.

With the launch of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) next year which will pay owners of heat pumps for the heat they generate, we believe consumers have never been in a better position to escape the grasp of energy providers whose only reward for the loyalty of their customers has been a series of unwarranted and unfair price rises."


Tags: heat pumps, renewable energy, renewables

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Paul Watson
Press Contact, Ice Energy Technologies
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