The Facebook Fans Of Cops TV Show Get A Nice Valentine's Day Surprise!

With more than 670,000 Facebook Fans, the "COPS" reality show is one of the most loved pages on the Social Web. And they know how to reward such loyalty.

With more than 670,000 Facebook Fans, the "COPS" reality show is one of the most loved pages on the Social Web. With innovative give-aways such as a ride along with the camera crew during filming of a show to now giving away a big ticket item-a 50" HD TV, it's no wonder their Fans at Facebook love them.

To let the fans know just how appreciated they are, COPS has embarked on an ambitious social media campaign which has taken the popular tv show from 50,000 Fans to well over 650,000 and counting in only six months. In addition to their Facebook page COPS also manages a Google+ page, a Twitter feed and two partner channels at YouTube.

Wildly popular at YouTube, COPS continues to upload popular clips from all 24 seasons, generating over 1 million views, again in just six months.

This fan loyalty is rewarded with free t-shirts each week, free stickers and a recently completed "Fan Video" contest where they gave away a grand prize of a 50" HD TV.

In its 24th season with over 6 million views on Saturday night on Fox at 8 pm, it's no surprise this team understands customer loyalty. Yet it's clear someone at COPS gets social media too-because not only did they run a contest awarding a very generous prize of a 50" HD TV, but they also decided, at the spur of the moment, to randomly award $50 gift certificates to every single person that entered. Which was, of course, met with joy from their cheering fans!

Fans post photos, video clips, share thoughts and comments about previous episodes and even how the show has changed their lives. They have no problem leveraging the power of social media to let the Fox network know just how they feel about their favorite show getting preempted:

Travis Vaudrien: "I have been watching cops since I was about 3 and I'm 20 years old, I just completed my degree in criminal justice and I'm going into law enforcement, all because of a show named Cops that inspired me through the men And women they showed doing their jobs. I hope another network picks you up, this show is the father of what we know today as reality tv. Frankly I'm sick of the FAUX network and all is bs and crappy lineups....give us cops !"

Loren Hutchens: "I have been watching COPS for many years. Stopping whatever it is that I'm doing just to watch them. I used to VCR them when I wasn't able to watch it and I now DVR it just to make sure I don't miss any of it. I really hate the fact that FOX bumps it or starts it already in progress. Another network that I watch just runs regular programming late whenever a sports game or something runs late. Maybe FOX should try that !! I never miss my shows when they run late. COPS is my favorite show on TV and it stinks when they don't let us watchers of Cops see the program in it's entirety. I'd rather watch it later than usual than have the first 15 or 20 min. cut off."

Pat J Sherwin: "My dad watched cops religiously when I was growing up he has been a police officer for 36 years he will be retiring as a police chief in 2 years when I moved away watching cops always reminded me of him now fox has to play these games with our favorite show. cops should come to vermont I know things are quite is crazy here as some of these places you go but it's still pretty interesting. hope you switch to a better network soon."

COPS is in the midst of planning a new contest asking Fans to design their own unique COPS t-shirt. The details are still being worked out but Fans are already chatting and the word is spreading as the inquiries start to post on the Facebook CPPS TV wall, asking: "when does it start?"

To learn more about COPS online, visit their Facebook Page, Twitter account or YouTube partner channel or check out their new web site at


Tags: cops, cops tv, cops tv fans, facebook marketing, fans, reality television, Social Media Marketing

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