The Great American Apparel Diet Shopping Abstinence for Your New Year's Resolution?

As the new year comes around women are continuing to join The Great American Apparel Diet, holding back from spending on clothing for a year. Considering the rising credit card debt in America it is no surprise membership around the world is growing.

Over the past 18 months women from all over the world have weighed in on The Great American Apparel Diet, an open blog and support group for women who want to put the breaks on apparel shopping. Last year at this time the membership grew by 30% as women made shopping abstinence their New Year's Resolution. The blog administrators expect even more women to sign up as the movement has received a great deal of press and ground swell support through social media. "I wouldn't be surprised if our numbers exceed last year at this time," says Sarah Faber the blog administrator. "It's so interesting to see the cross section of women from all socio economic and demographic backgrounds who find the idea of shopping abstinence compelling. It's sort of a cleanse for some. It is definitely a conscious commitment that requires support and reflection."

Although dieters join for different reasons, they continue to provide support and encouragement to each other, seeing the process as more of an overall lifestyle change. According to a site poll, sixty four percent of dieters have used the extra money they saved to apply to savings accounts, and twenty one percent have used funds to pay off debt. The blog gives users a space to reach out, especially during these high spending holiday months. In response to a blog post describing the challenges of the TGAAD dieter Veronica C responded "Consider yourself lifted and back on the TGAAD wagon." Many dieters have taken the skills they have learned from The Great American Apparel Diet to implement changes within their family's spending in addition to their own. Dieter Jennifer W says "I also want my husband and kids to start wearing some of their stuff that just sits."

It is no surprise that TGAAD membership is continuing to grow considering the average American credit card debt per household is upwards of $15K. The Great American Apparel Diet offers a place to give members the guidance and support they need. Anyone can join The Great American Apparel Diet at any time. To read more about the diet and to find out about joining see


Tags: consumerism, debt, economy, lifestyle, shopping

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Sarah Faber
Press Contact, The Great American Apparel Diet
The Great American Apparel Diet
1000 N. Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103