Tokyo-Based Phybbit Ltd. Selected by Japan's Largest Affiliate Service Provider, ValueCommerce Co., Ltd. to Provide Anti-Ad Fraud Services

Phybbit's AI-Driven "SpiderAF" Tool Proven to be the Most Effective at Identifying Advertising Fraud
SpiderAF and ValueCommerce's workflow

​​​​Tokyo-based Phybbit Ltd., the developer of SpiderAF anti-advertising fraud software, has been selected by affiliate service provider ValueCommerce Co., Ltd. to manage its ad fraud prevention services. Founded in 1999, ValueCommerce is Japan’s first and largest ASP. Phybbit’s flagship tool, SpiderAF, is a powerful AI-driven anti-fraud system that can detect a range of online advertising fraud techniques such as fake impressions, clicks, and conversions. Phybbit is the only Asian vendor certified by the international Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) and is also compliant with the US-based Media Rating Council (MRC) guidelines.

Online ad fraud is the corrupt practice of stealing advertising funds by creating the appearance of human interaction and impressions of online ads. The techniques constantly become more sophisticated requiring constantly-improving technology to fight and include methods such as Click Flooding, Install Hijacking, Invalid Traffic and Click Farms. SpiderAF detects ad fraud by analyzing data logs for impressions, clicks, and conversions. Each action is examined for signs of ad fraud and an overall ad fraud score is calculated using AI. 

“Ad fraud is an important issue for pay-for-performance networks,” said Hidetoshi Ogata, ValueCommerce Service Planning Division. “We are very happy to start working with Phybbit, a company with a proven track record in ad fraud measures. Through this collaboration, we hope to lead the efforts in improving the health of the affiliate advertising market.”

“In a business where the veracity and transparency of ad traffic are vital, we are very pleased to partner with ValueCommerce, Japan’s first and largest ASP,” said Kazuhiro Miyamoto, Product Manager for Phybbit. “I am confident that this initiative will lead to the improvement of the entire affiliate industry.” 

Besides serving its clients, Phybbit’s mission is to stop ad fraud across the entire industry. Phybbit’s SHARED BLACKLIST (SBL), a unique industry-wide consolidated database of scammers identified by Phybbit’s SpiderAF algorithm. The SBL is shared with all ad networks in Japan to create a unified front against advertising cheats. Phybbit has recently begun the worldwide rollout of SpiderAF and the SHARED BLACKLIST. 

About ValueCommerce, Ltd.
ValueCommerce offers solutions to the two key issues faced by EC business operators—attracting and maintaining customers—and proposes solutions to issues in the marketing field utilizing its affiliate network, which is one of the largest in Japan.

About SpiderAF
SpiderAF is an AI-equipped ad fraud tool specialized in automation and data visualization. Along with businesses involved with ad networks, SpiderAF aims to be a tool applicable to a wide variety of users from agencies to advertisers. The goal of the SpiderAF SHARED BLACKLIST is to build a safer digital advertising industry.

Source: Phybbit, Ltd.


Tags: Ad fraud, Affiliate, ASP, Digital advertising, Japan, Phybbit, SHARED BLACKLIST, SpiderAF

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Spider Labs is the developer and provider of the fraud protection tool, Spider AF. For the constantly evolving ad fraud industry, Spider Labs incorporates the help and consultation of data scientists.