WebUI Studio 2010 R1 SP1 Is Now Available

Comprehensive MSDN-style product documentation and dozens of enhancements in the product level

Intersoft Solutions today announced the first service pack of WebUI Studio 2010 R1 which offers hundreds of enhancements and stability improvement, and a comprehensive MSDN-style product documentation.

The most significant update in this service pack release is the comprehensive MSDN-style product documentation which is seamlessly integrated to the Visual Studio's help viewer library. The integration allows developers to easily locate the help content of a particular class, a type or a member by simply pressing F1 key within the Visual Studio designer. The product documentation, particularly for the Silverlight and WPF lineups, now includes over 150 new walkthroughs and how-to topics, and over 80 new conceptual topics.

The service pack 1 release also includes dozens of enhancements in the product level and new features designed to address a number of advanced scenarios in the Silverlight and WPF development. For example, the page framework now supports multiple roles for the role-based security feature, while the popup controls add new properties to enable declarative binding in XAML markup.

Click here to read more - http://www.intersoftpt.com/Corporate/News.aspx?page=News&EventId=206


Tags: silverlight controls, UI suite, WPF

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Andi Santoso
Press Contact, Intersoft Solutions
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