Why Taking Things Too Personally Is Like a Cancer That Erodes Relationships

In this Ask Dr. Love radio show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr. Love) discusses Excessive Personalization, a common but often unrecognized cognitive distortion that destroys relationships, and what we can do to break free.

In this edition of Ask Dr. Love, Dr. Jamie Turndorf discusses Excessive Personalization. She traces this cognitive distortion back to its origin, which is the narcissism of childhood--in which kids believe the world revolves around them. This thinking combined with being blamed and criticized as a child, results in the tendency to self-blame and to hear criticism from our partners even when criticism isn't being delivered.

Tune in to find out Dr. Turndorf's 7 steps for eliminating Excessive Personalization and achieving greater relationship harmony.


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Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of AskDrLove.com, the Web's first free relationship advice site since 1996. AskDrLove.com now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable love, relationship, marriage, or dating advice question.

Broadcast live over Google Hangouts and YouTube on Tuesdays at noon EST and archived on WebTalkRadio.net. Ask Dr. Love is a live one hour Internet radio talk show focusing on love and relationships. Listeners can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues and get heartfelt yet professional advice.

Follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook at /askdrlove and on Twitter @askdrlove.


Tags: ask dr love, break free, cognitive distortion, dating tips, dr jamie turndorf, marriage, narcissism, relationship advice, relationship help

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