How to Improve Credibility and Authority with a Press Release

Press releases can help improve the credibility and authority of your business within your niche or industry, and in the public’s eye, provided that you write them with a view to expanding the reputation of your brand. Whether you are a sole proprietor like Oprah, or Emeril, and want to develop your own personal brand, or are running a small business and want to expand the reach of your brand, press releases can be an important tool in your marketing kit. Here are some ways to boost your brand.


1-All releases should be real news

Don’t try to run ads or publish fluff pieces just for the sake of issuing a press release. A good example of real news would be you hosting a live event and trying to get the word out so that people would attend. Another common example is announcing a new product you are launching. As soon as it is available for sale, issue a press release with factual details about the item (not hype) and where to get it.

2-Facts, not opinions

Journalists have a formula for making sure they cover all the facts in their news stories. The 6Ws are:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why
  • hoW

Use these as a checklist to makes sure you are not missing any important details. It will also help you stick to the facts and not create a sales letter in disguise.

3-The story behind the idea

If you are hosting an event or launching a product, share the story of how the idea came about. Which expert in your company thought it up and why is it helpful to others. Journalists will give you media pickups if they feel sure your press release is of real benefit to their own readership, and that means widening the reach of your brand.

4-Where your news fits in with your niche or industry

Once you have written the facts, it can be helpful to position your information within your niche or industry as a whole. Quoting useful facts, figures and statistics will show that you know what you are talking about, and have your finger on the pulse of your industry. It can also enhance your prestige if, for example, your product is unique, or best in its class.

5-An expert amongst experts

In your press release, including a couple of quotes from experts. They can be in-house people who have worked on the product or helped organize the event. They could also be external experts who have tried out your new product or a “big name” or two who are going to be participating in the live event you are hosting.

We are all judged by the company we keep. Having comments or working with top experts in your field is a great way to boost your credibility and authority.

6-A free item, and a call to action

Each press release should have a call to action to get people to do something after they read it. One of the best ways to do this is to offer a free item, such as an ebook or ecourse, in exchange for their email address. You will build your credibility through the free item, which should be high-quality and worth having.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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